Tuesday, June 14, 2011

J-10B Gets AESA

J-10B Gets AESA: "New Chinese internet images appear to show what has been suspected for some time: The new J-10B version of Chengdu's canard fighter is fitted with an electronically scanned array radar. It could be a Rafale-type passive ESA, but that's improbable in 2011 - it is more likely an active ESA, its development quite likely aided by China's massive campaign of cyber-espionage.

blog post photo
Via Secret Projects

The J-10B is interesting because it represents a major block change to what is itself a relatively new design. The most visible change is the diverterless supersonic inlet - a feature that is usually associated with front-sector radar cross-section reduction. (The DSI was originally developed for an improved F-16 design.) In the J-10B's case, it may also be a less costly and less noisy alternative to the strut-braced mixed-compression ramp on the original design - but latest J-10B photos also show the telltale tint of a metallic-treated canopy.

blog post photo
Via Secret Projects

Other changes include what appears to be a new electronic warfare system with larger antennas in underwing fairings and a fin-tip housing, and a missile approach/launch warning system. A standard J-10 has also been seen with twin-rail launchers for PL-12 missiles.

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via Alert 5


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