If you still have Google Glass lying around somewhere, it's time to dust it off and plug it in: Google just pushed out its first update to the device in two and a half years.
The update is honestly barely worthy of the noun—one of the two bullet points in the X23 release notes is the rote "bug fixes and performance improvements" that's part of any software update. But Google did include another change in the update: it enhanced the device's Bluetooth capabilities, allowing Glass to pair with external mice and keyboards.
Outside of Google developer conferences, Glass doesn't make many public appearances. As a former "Glass Explorer" (Google's formal name for those who bought the $1,500 Explorer Edition, which was discontinued in January 2015), I occasionally don the headset when I want to take hands-free pics of my kids, but for the most part it stays in its case. History has placed Glass somewhere between punch line and cautionary tale on the continuum of wearable technology, and Google owned up to its mistakes in its approach to Glass back in 2015. Read more...
More about Google, Wearables, Google Glass, Tech, and Consumer Tech
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