Thursday, March 26, 2015

Perfect 10

The 747-8 program just completed something that’s never happened in the history of the 747 factory. The team built 10 consecutive 747-8 Intercontinentals, while making significant efficiency gains and ensuring on-time deliveries to our customers.


Inside the 747-8 factory in Everett.

Since 2012, when the passenger version of Boeing’s largest airplane was introduced into service and joined the 747-8 Freighter already in production, the 747 team has built about three Freighters for every Intercontinental.

The passenger version has historically taken 25 to 30 percent longer to build that the Freighter. But with this string of 10 consecutive Intercontinentals, the team found ways to reduce build times by 15,000 hours per airplane.


The 10 Intercontinentals in a row included airplanes for two new customers: Air China, which took its first delivery last September, and Korean Air, which will take delivery later this year.

Congratulations to the entire team for supporting 100 percent on-time delivery during this “Perfect 10” parade.

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