Sunday, September 15, 2013

The iPhone 5S is serious business

The iPhone 5S is the most refined iPhone to date and that’s nothing far from the truth. It may be obvious but it’s true. The iPhone 5 is already a good smartphone – it brought a refreshed look to the iconic iPhone 4 with the sleek anodized aluminum body. Yet, the iPhone 5S is criticized for being a stale iteration of the iPhone 5. Despite the criticism, I think the iPhone 5S should still be taken seriously.

Yes, the only physical design changes lie within the home button and the new champagne gold colour, but paired with iOS 7, the iPhone 5S is going to be an all new experience. The Touch ID fingerprint sensor is really quite innovative from a security stand-point.

Weak security of smartphones is the largest complaint in the corporate world regarding Bring Your Own Device IT policies. If it were not for concerns with mobile security, Bring BYOD policies would be rapidly adopted. The innovation of the fingerprint scanner is its simplicity and ease of use. Many corporate users don’t set passwords at all and the ones that do set passwords often create passwords that are too easy to guess. On the other hand, authenticating the intended user is simpler with a Touch ID fingerprint scan. With a simple and quick scan, the phone and the data can only be accessed by the intended user. There are of course still security flaws like having somebody else add their fingerprint to the intended users’ phone or the use of the back-up PIN but all mobile security measures have their strengths and weaknesses. Personally, I think the strengths outweigh the weaknesses.

BlackBerry smartphones dominate the corporate smartphone market but with the additional security of the iPhone 5S could offer more competition.

With APPL share prices dropping since Apple’s announcement at WWDC, will the iPhone 5S and 5C still succeed in the market?

My prediction is yes. They will sell record number of iPhones this year – like they have with every year before – but there may be a significant decline in sales the western market as Android phones made by Samsung are becoming increasingly popular. Paired with iOS7, the champagne gold iPhone 5S is a beauty. The iPhone 5S’s 64 bit processor and camera flash technology is pushing the technology forward. I guarantee that other companies will try to follow suit of Apple’s technology designs just as we already see parallax designs becoming more popular in many website themes.

Apple is still innovating but Apple appears to have lost its “cool” factor in the consumer market in the face of Samsung’s mocking advertisements. Apple needs a PR face-lift. Perhaps, Apple just needs a new figure head that can replace Steve Jobs to lead Apple in a new radical strategic direction.

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