Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Software Update Turns Old iPod Nano Into New iPod Nano:

A free software update brings all the new features to last year's Nano

The biggest non-upgrade announced at yesterday’s Apple event wasn’t — despite what some entitled whiners might have you believe — the iPhone 4S. No, the littlest upgrade was reserved for the littlest iPod: the iPod Nano.

Sure, the Nano got a built-in pedometer, bigger icons and a 18 different clock-face designs, but hardware-wise, it hasn’t changed. In fact, if you already have last year’s Nano, you can get all these features — free — via a software update.

Plug your Nano into iTunes and click the “Check for Update” button. Click yes to everything you’re asked, enter your password and wait. A few moments later, your tired old 2010/11 iPod has magically transformed itself into a shiny new 2011/12 iPod. And if you don’t like the new, bigger icon view, you can revert to the little hard-to-press old ones.

In fact, about the only thing you don’t get from the new model is a refund of the price drop. Previously, the Nano began at $149. Now it starts at $129, or $20 less.

iPod Nano product page [Apple]

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