Monday, October 17, 2011

Movie Monday - October 17 - Building Virgin Galactic:

Today's Movie Monday is about commercial aerospace, but from a slightly higher altitude. This National Geographic documentary takes you inside the development of Burt Rutan's Scaled Composites' White Knight Two and Spaceship Two for Virgin Galactic. If this is your first introduction to VG, the company's goal is to achieve regular commercial space tourism and science missions with suborbital flights.

The intimate look at the development of these commercial spacecraft takes you from 2008 up to about a year ago when SS2 made its first glide flight in the skies over the Mojave Desert. NatGeo had a view from virtually every angle from inside the hangar to SpaceShipTwo's cockpit. Virgin Galactic Will it Fly? runs just over 45 minutes. Enjoy!

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