Saturday, June 25, 2011

How Boeing felt 'the need for speed' @ #PAS11

How Boeing felt 'the need for speed' @ #PAS11: "

Okay, before I get started I'll come clean and admit this is probably a blatant miss-use of the Airline Business blog. But I'm sure regular visitors will have noticed a petrol-head theme creeping into an unhealthy number of my posts, so another one won't do any harm!

Ferrari FF + Boeing 747-8I-1.jpg

Anyway, for those out there that like 'planes and automobiles' (you're in good company - Tony Fernandes, Vijay Mallya and Sir Richard are already signed up members of that club!), at the Paris air show this year there was a somewhat unlikely aero/auto combo on display. Boeing hooked up with the Prancing Horse boys from Maranello to demonstrate (well that was the intention anyway) the loading capability of the 747-8F.

What this meant that was there was a brand-new Ferrari FF (the new and usual four-wheel drive "hatchback" that's as rare as hen's teeth) parked in front of Boeing's 747-8I, and a marginally more common Ferrari California parked in front of the 747-8F.

The demo was cancelled as the loading device (not part of the 747-8F!) went tech before it could be used in anger. But who cares, we still got to see two modern icons in their respective industries lined up next to each other. Having said that, I'd have preferred to have seen a couple of Aston Martins alongside the Le Bourget Jumbos!

Ferrari California + Boeing 747-8F.JPG


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